Hello, I’m Dan Meyer, MBA

Freelance Web Designer & Digital Marketing Specialist

Services I offer

Digital Marketing Services
Website Design and Development Icon

Website Design & Development

Get a website that’s modern, easy to use, and looks great on any device. I’ll design and build it to meet your unique business needs.

Search Engine Optimization Icon

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Increase your website traffic with strategic SEO. I’ll use proven techniques to get your site ranking higher in search results, attracting more qualified visitors.

Lead Generation Icon

Lead Generation

Turn website visitors into customers. I’ll implement conversion-focused strategies to boost engagement and optimize the path to purchase, driving more leads and sales.

Digital Advertising Icon

Digital Advertising

Reach your ideal audience online. I design targeted ads across search engines and social media to drive traffic, boost brand awareness, and generate leads.

Email Automation Icon

Email Automation

Streamline your outreach with automated email sequences. I design targeted campaigns that nurture leads and convert them into loyal customers, saving you time and effort.

Google Analytics Setup Icon

Google Analytics

Master your website data with GA4. I’ll set it up, track what matters, and turn insights into action for a data-driven website strategy.

Some Of The Tools I Use
WordPress Logo
Google Analytics Logo
Salesforce Logo
Mailchimp Logo
Hubspot Logo
Meta Logo
LinkedIn Logo
Google Ads Logo
Adobe Creative Cloud Logo

A Bit About Me

Expert Web Design. Strategic Marketing.

Hi! I’m Dan Meyer, and I’m passionate about crafting captivating digital experiences that propel small businesses and nonprofits to new heights. With over 15 years of experience in web design and digital marketing, I’ve honed my skills to deliver results-driven solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. Whether it’s creating sleek, user-friendly websites or implementing strategic digital marketing campaigns, I thrive on helping organizations make a lasting impact in the digital sphere. Let’s collaborate to transform your online presence into a powerful asset that drives growth and success.

Recent Projects


BACK&PACK creates unique summer adventure and gap year travel programs for young adults ages 18 to 24.

Focus Areas: Website, Ads, Analytics, Email, Social Media

Related Projects

Seamester Projects

Sea | mester

Seamester offers educational study aboard and gap year programs where students spend their semester at sea, earning college credit while sailing the planet.

Focus Areas: Ads, Analytics, Email, Print

Related Projects

WILD Foundation
WILD Foundation Website Projects

WILD Foundation

Founded in 1974, WILD – a 501 (c) (3) – is dedicated to wilderness protection around the world.

Focus Areas: Website, Analytics, Email

Related Projects

Meet Piemonte
Meet Piemonte Digitial Advertising Projects

Meet Piemonte

Meet Piemonte is a certified Italian tour operator focused on Piedmont and other Italian regions such as Tuscany, the Amalfi Coast, Sicily, Puglia, and more.

Focus Areas: Website, Ads, Analytics, Email

Related Projects

GoBeyond Travel Projects


GoBeyond Student Travel offers worldwide programs for high school students, combining international community service projects with cultural immersion, travel, and outdoor adventure activities.

Focus Areas: Ads, Analytics, Email, Print

Related Projects

NAPA Committee
NAPA Committee Website Project

NAPA Committee

The North American Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation for Protected Areas Conservation fosters the exchange of ideas, experiences, best practices, and innovative solutions on shared conservation opportunities.

Focus Area: Website

CoalitionWILD Project


CoalitionWILD is a vibrant community that brings together young leaders, visionaries, and change- makers from across the world who are deeply passionate about environmental conservation.

Focus Area: Website Build *
* Based on brand style guide by Voss Design Co.

WILD12 Website Project


WILD12 is an environmental decision-making platform open to all members of civil society to build a global community for the protection of lands, waters and peoples.

Focus Area: Website Build *
* Based on brand style guide by Voss Design Co.

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Jackie Batrus

Dan is a true professional, working with him has been amazing! He understands our team’s vision for the project and even goes the extra mile to provide guidance throughout the process and beyond. Designing a sleek website with proper optimisation is one hell of a task but Dan makes it so easy and simple for us!

Jackie Batrus
WILD Foundation

Yen Parico

Dan is a pleasure to work with! He meets every task with enthusiasm, knowledge, and an eye for detail. He’s great about explaining the various courses of action possible and giving you enough detail to feel empowered to make decisions that work well for your specific company (size, budget, time, resources, on-going maintenance etc.).

Yen Parico

The cost depends on the complexity of the design, functionality required, and the scale of the project. I provide a detailed quote after understanding your specific needs.